- We will ship the goods to arrive on, or before, the date you request them. Rental period is 14 days.
- You pay for the shipping & handling. A1 will pay for return shipping on orders over $50.00 within the continental US.
- We include 1 duffel bag per box shipped to return your items. Use the UPS return labels (RS) provided. We recommend taking advantage of our 14-day rental period allowing for receipt several days prior to use to account for potential delays in shipping and/or damage from freight carrier.
- One of the boxes will include a clear plastic envelope containing:
- Return instructions
- Packing slip
- Return Label (RS) – one per box shipped. When you are finished with the rental, place the cloths in the duffel provided. Put the RS label INSIDE the clear extended pocket. A1 WILL ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF ONLY THOSE ITEMS RETURNED WITH THE RS RETURN LABELS PROVIDED WITH EACH SPECIFIC ORDER. Additional fees may apply to orders returned with RS labels not belonging to that order.
- Bring the duffel to UPS or call UPS at 800.PICKUPS (800.742.5877) for a pickup. They may charge you a nominal pickup fee. UPS will take the duffel and we will absorb the return freight.
- If an additional label is needed, the charge is $15.00. Do not send duffel bags back to A1 C.O.D. Any C.O.D freight charges will be billed back to your account.
- You are responsible for getting the linens to UPS at the end of the seven-day rental period. Non returned linens will incur weekly rental fees.
- Items returned damaged will be charged replacement fees.